Warm Greetings from Nanda Diagnostics! At the outset I would like to thank each one of you for yo...
Dec 05,2023
The case was referred to us for fetal echocardiography at 24 weeks, the patient already had a Level...
Dec 05,2023
We present a case of 34 weeks gestation who was referred to us for Fetal Echocardiography with a cl...
Dec 05,2023
The challenge in Fetal Echo is how early one can pick an abnormal heart so that the patient has enough time to consult various specialists and take an informed decision. We present a case of HYPOPLASTIC LEFT HEART diagnosed at 13 weeks during NT NB scan and confirmed by fetal echo done at 16 weeks. AUTOPSY shows a HYPOPLASTIC LEFT HEART.
13 Weeks Fetus
Four Chamber View Shows a Hypoplastic Left Heart
Three Vessel View Shows a Small Aorta
Warm Greetings from Nanda Diagnostics! At the outset I would like to thank each one of you for yo...
Dec 05,2023
The case was referred to us for fetal echocardiography at 24 weeks, the patient already had a Level...
Dec 05,2023
We present a case of 34 weeks gestation who was referred to us for Fetal Echocardiography with a cl...
Dec 05,2023