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The Early Signs of Pregnancy: Important Tests to Get Done During Pregnancy

banner-img The first-week sign of pregnancy ticks the alarm that you have started blooming a new life inside you. It is definitely a life turning point for any woman. But in most of the cases, the pregnancy symptoms are not so visible in the first week of pregnancy, though both your physical and mental health undergoes several changes after you become pregnant.

The Early Signs of Pregnancy: Important Tests to Get Done During Pregnancy:

The first-week sign of pregnancy ticks the alarm that you have started blooming a new life inside you. It is definitely a life turning point for any woman. But in most of the cases, the pregnancy symptoms are not so visible in the first week of pregnancy, though both your physical and mental health undergoes several changes after you become pregnant.

For most of the women, the first early signs of pregnancy are looked for when a period is missed. But noticing the symptoms carefully can help you know if you are pregnant or not.

First-week pregnancy symptoms

Below we are listing some changes your body undergoes when you are pregnant:

  • If you are getting exhausted quite easily even when you are a full-fledged healthy, active working woman, then chances are that you are pregnant.
  • Experiencing nausea after waking up or throughout the day is a prevalent sign of pregnancy. Your stomach may also feel queasy and experience aversion to foods.
  • Feeling to urinate every then and now is another sign of pregnancy that you must look for. If you are expecting pregnancy, you may rush to the bathroom more frequently than ever.
  • Your breasts will also show significant changes like tenderness and varicose veins. They will also become more sore and sensitive breasts.
  • Acidity is another embarrassing first-week sign of pregnancy. In case you face such discomfort, provide your body with enriching meals with adequate fibers and avoid consuming too many spices.

To reduce discomforts of the first-week sign of pregnancy, it is really important that you must consume a proper diet containing vitamin, mineral and folic acid as per charted by your doctor. It is also suggested that you must get some health tests done soon after noticing any of the above-listed signs of pregnancy.

Common tests during pregnancy

  • Genetic screening to diagnose the potential of genetic disorder if any.
  • Maternal blood testing and ultrasound during the first trimester.
  • Prenatal Screening that includes blood tests called multiple markers.
  • You will also need to go for ultrasounds from time to time to check for fetal growth, to look for structural abnormalities as well as to estimate the due date.
  • You also might need to go for additional tests during pregnancy like glucose testing, amniocentesis, fetal monitoring, Group B strep culture, chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and many others.

You must also maintain your pregnancy journal to keep a track on your pregnancy week-by-week. And, also do visit your doctor regularly in order to avoid any trouble during pregnancy or childbirth.

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