Immunology is a diverse discipline of medicine that can be defined as the study of tissues, cells, and molecules involved in host defense mechanisms. It studies how the body defends itself against the disease. If the immune system becomes faulty or less efficient, it can result in diseases such as autoimmune diseases, various metabolic disorders, arthritis, Diabetes, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Pernicious Anemia, skin conditions, SLE, Multiple Sclerosis, Sjogren`s syndrome, ulcerative colitis, purpura, Glomerular nephritis syndrome, cardiovascular myopathies, allergy and sometimes cancer. The accurate detection of the specific antibodies developed against specific system is of utmost importance for the correct treatment. The early detection of these antibodies can prevent the escalation of the diseases culminating into permanent disabilities.
The role of protective Antibodies can not be undermined in gut immunity, blood and various secretory surfaces of the body. The protective Antibodies or adequate vaccination also play an important role in protection during Pregnancy. The efficacy of these protective antibodies can be checked by various Avidity tests.
Department of Immunology help diagnose, manage, and analyze medical problems connected with several immunological and infectious diseases at an early stage. We provide diagnostics for both IgE and IgG responses to the full complement of potential allergens, whether food, environmental, or other. At Nanda Diagnostics, we conduct all the tests using highly automated systems promising to deliver prompt reports at affordable costs.
What is Immunology?
Immunology is a clinical discipline which involves our body defence mechanisms. The correct diagnosis of the immunological diseases plays a major role in the correct direction of the treatment by the clinicians.
What conditions can be detected through Immunology tests?
Immunology helps to detect and treat wide variety of diseases like autoimmune disease, , various metabolic disorders, arthritis, Diabetes, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Pernicious Anemia, skin conditions, SLE, Multiple Sclerosis, Sjogren`s syndrome, ulcerative colitis, purpura, Glomerular nephritis syndrome, cardiovascular myopathies, AIDS and cancers, including blood disorders like leukemia, as well as allergies such as fever, by using complex and sophisticated molecular techniques.
How accurate are the Biochemistry tests at Nanda Diagnostics?
We have entirely mechanized, progressed organic chemistry and immunoassay analyzers that can do specialised immunoassay tests precisely and rapidly. Our pathologists ensure to conduct quality control, and our test results are accurate, precise, and quickly delivered.